C.R.E.W. is the youth ministry of Eastgate church. The name C.R.E.W. Youth is based on Matthew 28:19-29 and we believe we are all “Created to Reach the Entire World” hence C.R.E.W.

We run a Friday night program throughout the school term for young people to come and discover friendship with Jesus and each other as well as develop a sense of belonging, self-worth, and to have FUN! 

WHEN: Friday Nights I 6.00-8.00pm

WHERE: BYRON BAY CAMPUS (20 Centennial Circuit, Byron Bay) 

WHO: High school-aged students (grades 7-12.) Year 6 included every 2 weeks (starting week 2) from Term 2 onwards and then every week through Term 4.

Annual Permission Slips: At the beginning of each year, we require all parents to sign a details and permission slip to ensure we have essential contact details and permissions. If you are new and have not received a form, please see a youth leader or email office@eastgatechurch.com.au 

We look forward to welcoming you to CREW Youth.

Please keep an eye on social media for frequent updates!

Much love, the CREW youth team



C.R.E.W. stands for Created to Reach the Entire World (Matthew 28:18-20.) Our vision is to raise a generation who bring light & colour to our world by connecting with their Creator, finding their purpose in Him and doing what they were created to do by living for a purpose bigger than themselves!

Annual Permission Slips:

At the beginning of each year we require all parents to sign a release/medical form to ensure protection and permission for youth to be driven by our youth leaders or parents (should transport be necessary), allow (or disallow) their photos to be put on social media, participate in certain games, and provide emergency contact information. If you have never received a form, please see a youth leader (or email) and have one filled out so we can have it on file and keep our youth ministry a safe place!

Legal / Waiver