Eastgate is a church that believes in Jesus, loves God and loves people.
Our Name
The name "Eastgate" is drawn from a prophecy in Ezekiel 43:1-2 which speaks of God’s glory coming through the gate that faces east. Since we're located in Byron Bay, the most easterly shore point of Australia, it's on our heart to invite God's presence and glory into all of Australia.
Our Mission
To glorify Christ and make Him famous.
(Colossians 1:27)
Our Vision
We seek to establish a safe harbour of generous worshipers, teaching and facilitating Gods people to live for others by:
- Seeking the lost
- Restoring the scattered
- Binding up the hurting
- Healing the sick
- Proclaiming Justice
We are committed to equipping God’s people to minister to others (Ephesians 4:11-13) and in this way extending Christ’s kingdom and influencing the world in Byron Shire and to the ends of the earth.
Our Values
- To always bring Christ glory
- To be faithful and true to God’s word
- To demonstrate integrity and character
- To never abuse authority but to create a safe harbor for God’s people
- To develop quality relationships and families
- To be outward focused in expansion and multiplication
- To be innovative and creative in all presentations
- To uphold the priesthood of all believers
- To aim for excellence in all we do
- To be generous and open-hearted
A member of the Australian Christian Churches