Have you ever wanted to know for sure that God is speaking to you?

Do you want to build confidence in hearing what God has to say to you, understanding His direction and purpose for you? To be encouraged, and in turn to encourage others as we grow in Christ together? 

A key part of growing in our Christian faith is the confidence that God wants to speak with us and commune with us every day. So take the time to refresh and be inspired to "tune in" your Listening Ear. 

Host: Denise Prentice

Date: Saturday 4th June

Time: 9:30am - 3:00pm

Location: Eastgate Church Byron Bay, 20 Centennial Ct

Morning tea will be provided, but please BYO lunch. The course is free, but donations are appreciated. Bring your Bible and notebook. 

If you have any questions please feel free to contact host Denise Prentice 0410 671 127 denise@eastgatechurch.com.au